Musical Productions

South London's award-winning amateur dramatics society
Performing since 1924. NODA affiliated
Eldorado - Our History

Eldorado Operatic Society was formed in 1924 and there are only a very few people still connected with the company who can look back to when it was founded. Since then Eldorado, apart from during the war years & covid, has performed two shows a year. Originally at Blackheath Concert Halls, then for many many years at The Broadway Theatre (formerly Lewisham Theatre). We now perform at the Bob Hope Theatre in Eltham, London.
On May 1st 2002 we changed our name to Eldorado Musical Productions, a move which we feel reflects the company's appeal. We are proud of our reputation which is built upon good camaraderie, loyalty and a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Producing two shows a year is a considerable task involving much organisation and hard work which, along the way, benefits many people in different ways. Aspiring actors, singers and dancers can gain valuable experience, the theatre and its employees get work and income, the shows and their songs are kept alive for future generations and you, of course, get the entertainment! Moreover, for the members of Eldorado it provides a social club where they can come together, not only once or twice a week for rehearsals, but also to enjoy social events such as dances, quiz nights and outings which helps to raise funds.
There is a membership fee payable for each show you do:
£75 (reduced to £60 for those not working)